Invisible Systems

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Breaking The Invisible Glass Ceiling: Female Leadership in Tech

Manchester-based tech business bucks industry trend with 50% female leadership team. Last month, Manchester-based tech firm Invisible Systems appointed Claire Robinson as Sales Director. Robinson brings over 20 years of experience in sales and marketing to her new role, having previously worked for tech giants Lenovo and Epsom.

A technology company that provides Internet of Things (IoT) solutions to industry leaders such as the NHS, Greggs and Balfour Beatty, Invisible Systems’ appointment of Robinson is a clear example of its commitment to promoting gender diversity at all levels of the organisation.

Located in Lowry Mill, Swinton, the SaaS business has seen a three-fold increase in the number of women employed within the last 18 months. With a growing female presence across the workplace, women now make up 50% of the leadership team, a significant statement within a historically male-dominated industry.

Responsible for driving revenue growth and developing new business opportunities, Robinson said, “I am thrilled to be joining Invisible Systems at such a key stage of its growth and I’m excited to be a part of a tech business that empowers women to lead”.

The benefits of a diverse leadership team are well-documented. Studies show that companies with more women in leadership roles tend to perform better financially, are more innovative, and have higher employee satisfaction rates.

Why is that the case? It’s thought that having the influence of a female perspective at the leadership level enables better decision-making, improved problem solving and a more inclusive workplace culture.

Invisible Systems’ commitment to gender equality goes far beyond its leadership team. The company actively promotes gender diversity in all business areas by offering a flexible working scheme, enhanced maternity benefits, training and support.

Jamie Robertson, CEO of Invisible Systems said, “Having a diverse and inclusive workplace is not only the right thing to do, but it also makes good business sense. By embracing diversity, we’re able to bring different perspectives and experiences to the table, continually helping us improve our business performance.”