What is Legionella and How Can We Prevent It?

Legionella is a bacterium found naturally in freshwater environments. It can become a significant health concern when it grows and spreads in human-made building water systems such as water tanks, heaters, cooling towers and sink faucets.

Legionnaires disease is caused when people breathe in small droplets of water in the air that contain the Legionella bacteria. But Legionella and the illnesses it causes can be prevented. Using Internet of Things (IoT) technology, sensors and Real-Time Online, Invisible Systems provide a complete Legionella compliance solution, inclusive of reporting, logbook and wireless temperature monitoring. Whilst significantly reducing the cost of water condition testing, the solution will enable you to improve the quality of your Legionella compliance reporting.

Our simple and easy to install LoRa RF temperature sensors and GPRS gateways provide a non-intrusive, cost effective and automated solution to expensive manual temperature recording. The Realtime-Online dashboard displays individual temperatures, system schematics and provides regular reporting of compliance or exceptions. Our range of wireless RF transmitters combine local data collection with remote configuration and monitoring via the Realtime-Online web interface. All transmitters link to the internet via the LoRa RF IoT GSM Gateway, providing standalone, secure access, independent of the client’s network infrastructure.


If you’d like to find out how our solution can work for your business, please book a free consultation today.


Ensuring Efficacy of the Moderna Vaccine


Invisible Systems Appointed by to Framework by Scottish Government